September Newsletter

Camp is so important in the lives of young people. What a marvelous opportunity to make new friends, enjoy the great outdoors, have fun, and eat wonderful home-cooked meals. These are good things but the greatest part of camp is hearing the awesome news that God cares about us so much He made a way […]

COVID-19 Safety Protocol

Cedar Lake Camp is happening! We are so excited and READY! For your convenience, please read the attached documents about what CLC is doing to stay proactive in light COVID-19. Safety Protocols for Health at Camp Letter to Parents about Health at Camp

Summer Camp Update

Check out this update!! We are continuing to pray and prepare for camp! We’d love to have your camper this summer! We are having an added week of day camp on May 26th-29th… Register now!

May Newsletter

Camp is Good in So Many Ways I have believed for years that camp is one of the healthiest places to be. While at camp, children are away from TV screens and in the great outdoors. They get loads of physical, mental, social, and spiritual stimulation. Kids run around and get sweaty and dirty. They […]

A Letter from Cedar Lake

Spring Newsletter 2020   I can’t wait for schools to be back in session. Not because I’m tired of my own kids, mind you. But rather, I’m ready for the country to return to normal. For sure, there are some things that need to change in our culture, but I mean folks going to work […]

Jamaica Mission Trip 2019-2020

  It’s a strange feeling to leave the dead of winter and step out of a plane into tropical weather. The quandary is this: do you wear long sleeves and pants in the cold knowing you’re going to sweat upon arrival OR wear shorts and a t-shirt onto the plane knowing you’ll be a step […]

Ways to Raise Money for Camp

The winter season is the perfect time to start fundraising funds for camp for your group or child.    Looking for ways to help your child earn money for camp?   Having your child raise some money for camp is a great way to get them excited to go! Here are ways that your child […]

Fall Newsletter 2019

God never ceases to amaze me. The ways in which He shows up and shows off should keep up in awe of who He is. Certainly the Bible is thick with examples of His provision to sinful people who didn’t deserve it. His grace, mercy and kindness are extended over and over again. This is […]

Auction Update

With a thankful heart, we are happy to update you about our fundraising auction and dinner! First of all, this night could not have been possible without the help of our friends at CLC. We would like to give a special thank you to Mrs. Sue Mitcham for her helpful expertise when it comes to […]