Cedar Lake Camp & Retreat Center
The Bird Cage
This lodging facility includes five large rooms that each sleep 12-14 people and each have a bathroom. The lower level room has a small lounge area ideal for small gatherings. Each room has a window air unit and central heat.
Rustic Cabins
These lodging facilities house anywhere from 10-12 people, each cabin included with a window air unit. Many of them have been remodeled in recent years to accommodate for more campers and retreat guests.
This is a large screened-in building served by two bathrooms. It is great as a game room or meeting facility. It accommodates 75 people.
Kitchen & Dining
Our large commercial kitchen and dining hall accommodates up to 200 people. It also can be used for large group meetings.
Camp Store/Indoor Activity and Meeting Area
Our Snack Shack provides an opportunity to buy drinks, snacks, T-shirts, and other items. This is available on request. The indoor meeting area can hold 50-75 people and has chalkboards. Activities available are foosball, ping pong, air hockey, and arcade basketball game.
Grounds and Facilities
Our beautiful 90-acre campus is available for private group rental for up to 210 people for overnight events. It is also available for Day Use/Field Trips/Special Events. To book an overnight retreat or Day Use/Field Trip/Special Event, please fill out the appropriate online form.