Fall Newsletter 2024

Cedar Lake Camp & Retreat Center

In preparing for this summer’s theme of apologetics, I spent a fair amount of time considering what evidence there is for Jesus Christ and the Bible. The truth is, it takes way more faith to be an atheist that it does a Christian, once all the evidence has been laid out and examined. The case for Jesus is overwhelmingly strong. Unfortunately, most people don’t take time to examine it.

One of the most powerful pieces of evidence for Christianity is the resurrection. Consider that the earliest response to the resurrection from Jewish leadership assumes an empty tomb (“His disciples stole the body”). Not only that but it was reported Jesus was seen in the very city where he was crucified to people who saw him dead. There’s no way a rumor like that would ever gain traction if it weren’t verifiable. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians that Jesus had appeared alive to the apostles as well as over 500 witnesses at one time, many of whom he said were still alive. He was adding a method of verification for those who may have doubted the story. Knowing that the gospels and New Testament documents were written in the first century, we can be confident that eyewitnesses would have corrected false testimony, had it been proclaimed. But that’s not what we see. Jesus really, truly, physically, historically lived a sinless life, died on a cross, and rose from the dead. The case is packed full of evidence.

It’s important for our children not only understand what we believe about God but also why we believe it. Apologetics deals with evidence but also with some tough questions. And that’s okay. The truth can handle it.

There are a lot of facts and truths to remember about God. But head knowledge alone is not enough to justify ourselves before God. He’s not going to ask us, “How many facts did you know about Me?” The key issue is “Do you know me?” God is after a heart-relationship with humans. And that begins by admitting our wrongdoing and asking Christ to remove it by trusting in His death on the cross as the payment for our sin. Knowing facts about God is not enough. We must trust in Him.

One of our CITs, Saige, was raised in a Christian home. She grew up in church and knew all the Bible stories. She had been a camper at Cedar Lake since she was little. Knowing facts about God was not an issue for her. Over the course of the summer, she came to realize that she had never personally trusted Christ as her Savior. She had been going “through the motions” of being a Christian while not actually knowing the Lord herself. But that all changed one morning when Saige made the decision to invite the Lord into her life and be a true follower of Jesus. A few days later, with all the campers and staff surrounding the pool, she publicly demonstrated her faith in Christ through baptism. We rejoice with her in this wonderful life-changing decision!

Experiences such as hers are why we are here. We long to see young people commit to the God who created them, loves them, and died for them. We so appreciate the kids who come to camp because they are hearing truth and, according to John 8:32, the truth sets us free. Thank you for sending your kids to camp! Please keep up the good work and recruit others. Word-of-mouth is the best advertising!

Bear Claw

We now have a fully functional tiny home at camp! OK, 14×40 (560 sq ft) maybe it’s not so tiny but this staff dwelling is a welcome addition to our camp facilities. With split log siding and cedar rails across the entire front of the porch overlooking the water, it’s arguably the “campiest” building we have. Thanks to all those who had a hand in helping with including The River Community Church and First Baptist Livingston men’s group.

FCA Motocross Camp

We were proud to host Motocross Camp yet again this summer. Sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), this is truly a unique experience in the Christian camping world. Only ten other facilities in the United States share this opportunity to intertwine faith with dirt bikes. As a former racer myself, I appreciate their efforts to put the cross in motocross. Keep up the good work FCA!

Gym Update

Phase 1 is complete! The building is dried-in, has underground plumbing, and a concrete floor. The next step is interior framing. I can share cost estimates once I receive those numbers. A huge thank you to all who helped us get this far!

Banquet Night

Our annual Banquet and Fundraiser Auction is November 7, 2024. Once again, The River Community Church is our host. Event begins at 6 pm. If you wish to attend please send us an email at clcstaff@cedarlakecamp.org or give us a call at 931-823-5656. No cover charge to attend. An opportunity will be given to donate financially.

Security Cameras

Thanks to a Twin Lakes community grant, we were able to install security cameras at strategic locations around camp. It has some really cool features and we appreciate the crew at Bullseye Security for installing it!


Hope Center Men’s Ministry

A few months ago, we were able to host a special retreat called the Hope Center Men’s Ministry. Based in Rickman, this ministry focuses on restoring men who have experienced addiction. What a great opportunity to serve the local community! Other similar ministries joined and the group swelled to over 100 men singing, praising, and drawing closer to Christ the Lord.

Cabin 5

Volunteers are working on Cabin 5 (Red Fox) during the month of September and October. This is part of a long-term plan to update/remodel cabins 1-10. So far, 7-10 have been rebuilt or remodeled and this will get us halfway there.

Cabin 5 needs the floor leveled, rotting wood exterior replaced, new windows, a new door,  frame up for the air conditioner, add an interior light, plus a coat of paint. All said, we are hoping to come in under $1000. If you would like to help offset the costs of this project, please let us know!

Monthly Partners

We would encourage you to pray and consider becoming a monthly financial partner with Cedar Lake Camp. In this current economy, we are REALLY feeling the pinch on our operations budget. For example, food costs alone increased from $45,000 in 2023 to $61,000 in 2024 and counting. That’s a $16,000 increase in just one year. Insurance, utilities, and maintenance costs continue to climb. We have been mindful over the years not to push the budget burden back on the parents with camp fees. We supplement the budget with retreat groups and donations from generous people like yourself. The cost of operating is outpacing the minimal fees for camp. Please consider donating monthly to this wonderful ministry. One-time gifts are great (and yes, they are tax-deductible) but the consistent, regular support is more stabilizing. Thanks to all who have given over the years!

A special word to former campers and staff- you guys and gals know better than anyone the impact camp has on the life of a young person. You may have aged-out of being a camper or summer staffer but you can still be a part of this ministry by first of all praying and secondly, by donating financially. We can’t do camp without our donors! And send your kids to camp!!


Our missions team is raising funds to return to Rwanda, Africa this December. Last year, we did camps for kids in two different locations, one near the capital city of Kigali and the other in a small village in the countryside. Lord willing, we can follow that same pattern again this year. We partner with local missionary Laura Yockey who leads Love Alive International. Please pray for the team as we make preparations. Pray for safety, health, finances, affordable airfare(!) and mostly for the message of the gospel to be proclaimed and received.

Fall Camp

Fall break is fast approaching and that means Fall Camp! Dates this year are October 14-18. If you know a child that would benefit from this camp experience, send them our way! Registration is available at www.cedarlakecamp.org. Cost is $195.