Thank You
We have so much to be thankful for each and every day. I’d like to point to a few things that I am specifically thankful for this year at Cedar Lake Camp.
Early in the summer a man pulled up to the dining hall towing a brand-new tractor.
As he unloaded this expensive piece of equipment, he said it belonged to the camp. It was completely paid for and even came with a finish mower and full tank of diesel! What an answer to prayer! Our other tractor is over 40 years old and acts its age, moving slowly and powering down after heavy usage. I had already mentioned to the board we needed a new one but because they are so costly it would take more than a quick trip to the dealership. I also mentioned it in prayer to the Lord. And he heard that prayer! God used an anonymous donor to meet that need. What a blessing this tool has been!

Secondly, a local church built us a new fishing dock.
I met the pastor back in January when he told me the men’s group likes to work on projects. I told him our current fishing dock was a little small and aging. He said give him a little time. And, true to his word, a few months later a small crew of men gathered around the pond and began assembling a new fishing dock, complete with large floats that required a special trip to Indiana. It was built on the bank and needed to be pushed in the water. During Training Week, several dozen summer staff gathered around and, just like the christening of a new ship, gave one mighty push and the massive object was floating in the water. How cool!

A third reason to be thankful is our newest full-time staff member, Ben Estes.
With a history beginning as a camper then running the whole gauntlet of staff opportunities as well as gap-year student, Ben has a quite a connection to CLC. His degree in videography and online/social media experience has equipped him to be well-suited for his role as Marketing Coordinator. Check out some of his work on any of social media platforms!

There are many more reasons to be thankful, but you get the point. God is good and continues to bless his servants. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you donors for helping make CLC such a wonderful place where young people can experience the love, truth, and forgiveness of the Lord.
There’s a lot going on in our ministry and I invite you to be a part of it. This year, I’d like to highlight the new cabin being installed beside the Bird Cage dorm. It’s our first ever prefab cabin and will be delivered sometime around Christmas. This building is a 14×40 with split log siding and even comes with a cedar-rail porch and awning (very campy!). The cost after delivery and set-up of the shell is $24,200. To finish it out and make it “livable” will be another estimated $20,000.

Please consider making a year-end donation to help us complete this project. We appreciate your prayers and support! And as always, remember that all donations to CLC are tax-deductible!
Thank you all for your faithfulness and loyal support of Cedar Lake Camp. Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.
Ryan Higgins, Executive Director