2022 Spring Newsletter
“Let your hearts not be troubled; you who believe in God, believe in me also.” Jesus spoke these words as a comfort to his disciples in John 14 because they were concerned. It would be easy to apply these words to many of our current situations on the globe- war, rumors of war, high gas prices and inflation, etc. In a general sense, we can. God is most certainly in charge of these things because of his sovereignty. In His goodness, He also delights in meeting our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).
We CAN trust God no matter what the problem.
But Jesus spoke these words to his disciples specifically because they knew he was going away. The “hour had come” when he would be arrested, beaten, and crucified for the sins of the world. Jesus knew full well he would rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven. The disciples did not grasp this. So, Jesus explained, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself that where I am, there you may also be.”
The hope and comfort He gave was knowing that He is preparing a place for His followers so they may be with Him. We know that future glorious home as Heaven.
Campers will learn about Heaven and Hell this summer. I’ve never been more excited about Heaven than now. There are lots of popular ideas about Heaven from movies, songs, and books. But unless those ideas come from THE Book they are wrong. There are no chubby babies floating on clouds, playing harps in Heaven. Show me that in the Bible! Heaven is much more glorious and wonderful than we could ever imagine. Conversely, Hell is much more horrible than we could ever imagine. Jesus spoke about Hell more than any other person in the Bible. He certainly took it seriously. Therefore, so should we.
Jesus continued in 14:4, “And you know the way where I am going.” But Thomas answered, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus responded, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” I love it! What a clear, unambiguous statement- there is NO OTHER WAY to Heaven except through Jesus Christ!
In fact, Heaven is ALL ABOUT Jesus Christ. I encourage you to read anywhere in the Bible that provides a glimpse into Heaven. What is revealed is the Lord on His throne and the Lamb of God slain for the world’s sins worshiped and magnified. It’s all about Him. It’s something to greatly anticipate. But what about now? Can we say our lives are all about Jesus NOW? I sure hope so. But if not, what’s holding you back? Dedicate each day and each aspect of your day to the Lord. Eternal life begins at the moment of conversion. Not at the moment of death.
Let us live unto Christ today and every day.
 Sarah the Dog
It is sad to report that our beloved camp dog, Sarah, has passed away. She was part of a trio of puppies that arrived at camp many years ago (Rawley and Sandy being the others.) In fact, Sarah and Sandy arrived the very day I (Ryan) did on February 1, 2009. They were the Three Amigos, chasing each other around camp, going on hikes with the kids, and exploring the camp property. Sarah was the last of the trio and without question the most docile dog I’ve ever known. Not one time did she ever growl or snap at a person, though she did let our chickens know when they bothered her! In her later years, she tended to keep to herself and find a spot to lay on the porch (or right in the middle of the road, whichever…). I’m grateful she didn’t suffer and even more thankful for the time we had with her. She will be missed!
 Windows and Carport
Thank you to all who gave to bless the Marsh family with new windows and a carport. Both projects are about 90% complete! Thank you for helping take care of our own! They are a family well-deserving of a good home.
 Gap Year
Cedar Lake is on the search for more Navigate Gap Year students. If you know a high school senior or college student looking to learn what it takes to work at camp behind the scenes then send them our way. We enjoy investing in young people who want to learn God’s Word and live it out in a setting such as camp ministry. Contact the camp office for more details.
 Spring Camp
Almost sixty kiddos joined us for Spring Break Camp this year! We had fantastic weather most of those days and I’m grateful for it. (It has been known to snow at that time!) Thanks to all the parents who entrusted their children to us. We are thankful you trust us and allow us this privilege. Special props to Gap Year student Alli Cheathem for planning, organizing, and leading an excellent week!
 Camp Nurse
We are still looking for someone to fill the camp nurse position this summer. If you know anyone who would be interested please have them contact us! |