Frequently Asked Questions
About CLC
When and where are check-in and check-out?
- Summer Overnight camps
- Check-In
- Location: The large maroon Dining Hall located at the back of the property
- Time: Sunday between 3-5pm CST
- Check-out
- Location: Your child's cabin
- Time: Saturday morning at 10am CST
- Check-In
- Summer Day Camps
- Check-in:
- Location: Day Camp screened in pavilion (turn right at Hawkeye Lodge)
- Time: Monday-Friday mornings between 7:30-8:00am CST
- Check-out:
- Location: Same place as pick-up. Day Camp screened in pavilion
- Time: Monday-Friday afternoons between 4:30-5:00pm CST
- Check-in:
- Fall and Spring Camps
- On Campus:
- Location: Screened in day camp pavilion
- Check In: Monday-Friday mornings between 7:30-8:00am CST
- Check-out: Monday-Friday afternoons between 4:30-5:00pm CST
- In Cookeville:
- Location: Washington Ave Baptist Church 1621 N. Washington Ave.
- Check-In: Monday-Friday mornings between 7:15-7:30am CST
- Check-Out: Monday-Friday afternoons at 5:15pm CST
- On Campus:
Can my child request a cabin mate?
You may request one cabin mate for each child. Requests need to be no more than one year difference in age. Cabins are divided first by gender and then by age. We make every effort to honor those requests; however, they are not guaranteed. We must have the ability to place campers where we see the best fit to ensure the best week possible. If your child has a friend or sibling that they “just cannot come to camp without” and are more than one year apart in age, please know that more than likely, they will not be in the same cabin. However, they will definitely get to see each other often throughout the week. Additionally, this will give them a chance to make new friends, which is one of the great reasons to attend Cedar Lake Camp.
Are your counselors background-checked?
Yes. All counselors 18 and over must pass a background check and our standard extensive application with references.
What if my child gets homesick?
What is your refund policy for early pickup due to homesickness or illness?
NO refunds are available for homesickness or illness.
What if I develop kidsickness?
Kidsickness (when you miss your kids so bad it hurts) usually occurs when parents arrive home after dropping off their children at summer camp. As parents, we feel a huge responsibility to care for our children, and we have just given that responsibility to someone else for an entire week. Cedar Lake’s staff understands this great responsibility and is honored that you have entrusted us with your most prized possession. We take our job very seriously and want to do everything that we can to help you and your child have a successful week of camp. Summer camp is a staging ground in preparing your child to leave the nest. It is independent in a controlled environment. NOTE: When the urge hits to drive back up to visit them….book a vacation. They will be okay!
Can I attend camp with my child?
No, sorry….but that would be creepy.
What can I do to counter kidsickness?
First, get your child excited about going to camp. Talk about the fun activities, and the great time they will have. Second, call us if you have any questions or concerns about anything pertaining to camp. Our office is happy to answer any questions that you have. Parents are welcome to call us at 931-823-5656 to check on your camper. We are here to serve you and your child. If you feel that you need confirmation that your child is doing well, call the camp. Third, know that it is our priority to provide a safe and Christ-centered environment, but if an emergency does arise, we will do everything in our power -- with our trained staff -- to care for your child, and you will be contacted as soon as possible. Finally, pray for your child and the camp. At Cedar Lake, we truly believe that the summer camp experience is a life-changing, positive experience for children. It challenges their spiritual growth and develops personal maturity in their independence and relationships with others.
Can I call or visit my child during his/her stay at camp?
Calls and visits are discouraged because they tend to invoke homesickness and distract the children from their camp experience. Letters and packages sent through the mail are a great way to encourage your child and stay in touch.
Can my child bring a cell phone to camp?
No. Cell phones are not permitted for campers. They are a major distraction for the campers and ultimately hurt their experience while at camp. Cell phones also promote homesickness. In the event of an emergency, we will contact you. Translation: Please do not sneak a cell phone with your camper and promise they can call anytime. This can cause unnecessary disruptions in the cabin. You can reach the camp day or night at (931) 823-5656.
Can I pick up my child for an evening ball game, etc.?
We don’t recommend it. Children have the best camp experience if they can stay for the entire week without interruption. Please schedule their week at camp for another week if possible.
What will my child do during their stay at camp?
Each day is filled with activities like swimming, canoeing, fishing, Bible study, worship time, cabin devotions, hiking, etc. Click here for Sample Schedule.
What is the cost of camp?
Costs vary depending on which camp you choose:
- Summer Resident Camp weeks. A week of Resident Camp costs $495.
- Summer Day Camp is $225 per week and includes lunch and a morning snack.
- Canoe Camp is $395 per person.
- Spring and Fall Day Camp are $215 and includes lunch, a morning snack, and transportation by request.
Do you offer any discounts?
Overnight camp discounts*:
Early Bird (Jan 1-Apr 1):
$20 off per camper — automatically applied at registration.
Multi-sibling discount**:
$30 off starting with second sibling.
Multi-week discount**:
$30 off starting with second week.
*Discounts cannot be combined. If more than one discount is applicable, campers will receive the greater of the discounts listed.
**Multi-sibling and multi-week discounts must be requested at registration and approved by CLC staff.
Group discounts:
Groups of 10 or more campers receive a 10% discount per camper. Group hold form and group code are required at registration for this discount.
What will my child eat at camp?
We are known for our good food! Click here for a sample menu.
Do you have lifeguards?
Yes. All of our lifeguards are either full-time staff or counselors who have completed lifeguard training at a recognized training facility. All lifeguards are also certified in First Aid and CPR.
What if my child can’t swim?
Not a problem. He/she can still enjoy pool time in the shallow end of the pool. All children must pass a swim test to swim in water that is over his or her head.
What if my child has a bedwetting problem?
You and your child can be reassured that our counselors will do everything possible to be confidential and discreet. Extra bedding is made available to counselors if the situation arises.
What if my child has food allergies?
We try to accommodate all food allergies, but not food preferences. It is highly recommended if your child has a severe food allergy that you send his/her own food substitutions to guarantee he/she does not ingest something that would be harmful. Please call us if special foods are required.
Is there a reduction in camp cost if I send food for my child’s food allergies?
No. To accommodate the preparation of meals, we dedicate staff to cook specifically for those with food allergies.
What should my child bring to camp?
Check the pages on this website about each camp for lists of what to bring.
How much money should I plan to spend toward my child’s Snack Shack account?
Each camper may buy one candy and one drink daily. Each of those items cost $1.25. We also sell t-shirts, water bottles, hats, and various other items. We recommend that you put an additional $20-$25 minimum in each child’s account if you want him/her to have one of those items.
Do you have a nurse?
Yes. Cedar Lake is fortunate to have nurses/nursing students who volunteer and work each summer. We strive to staff each week of camp with a nurse, and we also train our staff in basic first aid. If your child is taking medication, our nurse is glad to dispense this as directed.
How do I register my child for camp?
Click on the pages below for the appropriate camp to register.
Can I change which week of camp I want my child to attend after already being registered?
Most of the time, you can change weeks. It depends on how many campers are signed up for each week. If it is necessary to change weeks, please contact us as soon as possible to make these requests. (931) 823-5656.
What ages do you serve?
This varies depending on the camp.
- Summer Day Camp ages 5-10.
- Summer Resident Camp ages 8-14.
- Canoe Camp ages 13-21.
- Fall Day Camp ages 5-14.
- Spring Day Camp ages 5-14.
How much are your retreat and day-use rates?
Retreat pricing is a per person per night rate. Retreats also have the option of purchasing meals at a rate of $8 per person per meal. Because retreats vary in size, timeframe, and number of meals, we ask that you fill out our request forms for accurate pricing and availability. Filling out the forms does not reserve your dates nor obligate you to book with us. Visit the pages below for links to our request forms.
What can I do to help out the ministry of Cedar Lake Camp?
The first and foremost thing you can do is pray. You can pray for children to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, for children and staff to grow in their faith, and for God to be honored and glorified in all we do.
As a small ministry, we're also greatly helped by donations and volunteers throughout the year. Please click here to learn how you can be involved in a more tangible way.