Journal Entries from Mrs. Ruth Geiger, Part III

In 1944 [Mr. Geiger] was approached by a radio station in Cookeville to start a bible program for children. He was offered free time. Later in the early 1950s, WSM in Nashville asked him to try the program on TV life. We were on at noon Saturday. The program was well received and rated above […]

Won’t You Join Me?

Won’t You Join Me? Part of My True Story Written by Ryan Higgins I made a new friend recently. We met at the local Crossfit gym. Before long he was telling me details of his story, how he took the scenic route to faith in Jesus Christ. His journey was similar to mine in many […]

Fall Newsletter 2021

Summer Summary Now, maybe more than ever, I want to see people come to faith in Christ. It took only a few weeks after I first believed in Christ during college to realize that if I need Jesus to be saved then so does everybody else. I began talking to my lost friends and family […]

Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter The End…? Summer Focus 2021 Most books finish with the words “The End.” By this point, we know the beginning, characters, and plotline. The story then has a way of coming to an end that answers most questions and conflicts within the book. We close the book and return to normal life. But […]

Journal Entires from Mrs. Ruth Geiger, Part II

We had gone to Tennessee by faith- trusting the Lord to supply our needs. We had no organization behind us and no promise of support from any church. We resolved not to ask for money and not go into debt, and both these resolutions were kept to the end. However, a few churches whose pastors […]

Journal Entries from Mrs. Ruth Geiger

When he [Bro. Geiger] was discharged from the Navy and had returned to his home in Germantown; he enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania- Wharton Night School- to study accounting. He got a job in an accounting department where he seemed to be advancing steadily. But it was there at his desk that he felt […]

Fall Newsletter

30-Hour Run Running for 30 hours. It sounds crazy, right? Let’s be honest- it is! Over the weekend of November 14, a group of runners was able to fundraise for Cedar Lake by doing exactly that. I am honored to have been one of them. There is much preparation that goes into such a feat- […]

Auction 2020 Recap

What an incredible evening! Make sure to watch the recap to see how we did! This night couldn’t have been possible without the donations so many of you made and for that we are THANKFUL! Once again, we want to give a big thank you to Lee Amonett with Eagle Auctions and Ted McWilliams with […]

Come Join Us!

Come join us on November 14-15! Share this post and let’s raise some money for camp! 😀  Register Here

5K and 30 Hour Fundraiser Run

Registration and Preparation Information for Cedar Lake Camp’s 5K and 30 Hour Fundraiser Run  This year’s 5K Fun Run will be held in-person at Cedar Lake Camp on November 14, 2020. This portion of the race will begin at 8 am. The course will be, as usual, down the camp driveway then left onto Conatser […]